
The instructors at our school are courteous and knowledgeable and have many years of experience in teaching to ensure that your needs are met.
The assistant instructors are students of the Canadian Hung Kuen Kung Fu school, that have come up through the ranks in the school. Their training is ongoing to ensure that they can provide the students with the assistance they need.

Head Instructor
Sifu Kautzman has been involved in the Martial Arts for well over 30 years. He has traveled extensively over the years performing and holding seminars, as well as competing and winning many awards. He established the Canadian Hung Kuen Martial Arts Association with members in Sweden, Norway and Brazil.
Sifu Kautzman was inducted into the United International Kung Fu Federation Hall of Fame in 1998 for "Instructor award of excellence", for his dedication to teaching the Martial Arts.
Sifu Kautzman is also an accomplish writer having had many articles published in major publications around the world. He established the Canadian Hung Kuen Kung Fu School in Regina in 1985 and has produced many fine Martial Artist in that time.
He has been interviewed and appeared on many news shows, as well as being featured in many publications around the world.

Canadian Hung Kuen Association
The Canadian Hung Kuen Association was established in 1997 and has members in Canada, Sweden, Norway and Brazil. Its goal is to unite Hung Gar schools in different countries. Seminars are held for members on different subjects and there is a shared brotherhood throughout the association.
The exchange of information, techniques, and knowledge is provided to members of the association. Members have the opportunity to visit and train with members from other countries.
There is absolutely no politics in this association. The Canadian Hung Kuen Association's sole purpose is to support and unite its members.